Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE
Art. 805

II. Con­ven­ing and con­duct of the meet­ing


1 The mem­bers’ gen­er­al meet­ing is con­vened by the man­aging dir­ect­ors, or if ne­ces­sary by the ex­tern­al aud­it­ors. The li­quid­at­ors also have the right to con­vene a mem­bers' gen­er­al meet­ing.

2 The an­nu­al meet­ing is held every year with­in six months of the end of the fin­an­cial year. Ex­traordin­ary meet­ings are con­vened in ac­cord­ance with the art­icles of as­so­ci­ation or as re­quired.

3 The mem­bers’ gen­er­al meet­ing must be con­vened 20 days at the latest be­fore the date of the meet­ing. The art­icles of as­so­ci­ation may ex­tend this peri­od or re­duce it to no less than ten days. The pos­sib­il­ity of a uni­ver­sal meet­ing is re­served.


5 In ad­di­tion, the pro­vi­sions of the law on com­pan­ies lim­ited by shares re­lat­ing to the gen­er­al meet­ing ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis to:

con­ven­ing the meet­ing;
the right of com­pany mem­bers to con­vene a meet­ing and table agenda items and mo­tions;
the ven­ue and the use of elec­tron­ic means;
the busi­ness to be dis­cussed;
uni­ver­sal meet­ings and con­sent to a mo­tion;
pre­par­at­ory meas­ures;
the minutes;
the rep­res­ent­a­tion of com­pany mem­bers;
the par­ti­cip­a­tion of un­au­thor­ised per­sons.

693 Re­pealed by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Com­pany Law), with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

694 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Com­pany Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

695 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Com­pany Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

696 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Com­pany Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).


149 III 1 (4A_380/2022) from 30. Januar 2023
Regeste: aArt. 700 Abs. 4 OR; aArt. 6b Covid-19-Verordnung 2; Durchführung der Generalversammlung auf schriftlichem Weg; individuelles Antragsrecht der Aktionäre. Ordnete der Verwaltungsrat in Anwendung der Covid-19-Verordnungen an, dass die Aktionäre ihre Rechte anlässlich der Generalversammlung ausschliesslich auf schriftlichem Weg ausüben können, war ihnen zu ermöglichen, im Rahmen der Verhandlungsgegenstände vorgängig Anträge zu stellen (E. 3-5 und 7). Bei Verstoss gegen diese Vorgabe ist der entsprechende Generalversammlungsbeschluss anfechtbar, aber nicht nichtig (E. 9).


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