Art. 822a
II. Follow-up resignations 1 Where a company member files an action for leave to resign for good cause or a company member tenders his resignation based on a right of resignation under the articles of association, the managing directors must notify the other company members without delay. 2 If other company members within three months of receipt of such notice file an action for leave to resign for good cause or exercise a right of resignation under the articles of association, all departing company members must be treated equally in proportion to the nominal value of their capital contributions. Where additional financial contributions have been made, the value thereof must be added to the nominal value. BGE
147 III 505 (4A_209/2021) from 19. Juli 2021
Regeste: Art. 783 und 822 OR; Erwerb eigener Stammanteile; Austritt. Würde das Ausscheiden eines Gesellschafters aus einer GmbH dazu führen, dass die Gesellschaft eigene Stammanteile im Nennwert von über 35 % des Stammkapitals hielte, ist der Austritt nicht zu bewilligen (E. 1-6). Ohne entsprechende Rechtsbegehren kann das Gericht im Austrittsverfahren nicht von Amtes wegen alternative Rechtsfolgen anordnen (E. 7). |