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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 93

b. Right to sell


1 Where the char­ac­ter­ist­ics of the ob­ject or the nature of the busi­ness pre­clude a de­pos­it or the ob­ject is per­ish­able or gives rise to main­ten­ance costs or sub­stan­tial stor­age costs, after hav­ing giv­en form­al warn­ing to the ob­li­gee and with the court’s per­mis­sion, the ob­lig­or may dis­pose of the ob­ject by open sale and de­pos­it the sale pro­ceeds.

2 Where the ob­ject has a quoted stock ex­change or mar­ket price or its value is low in pro­por­tion to the costs in­volved, the sale need not be open and the court may au­thor­ise it without pri­or warn­ing.