Art. 958f
E. Keeping and retaining accounting records 1 The accounting records and the accounting vouchers together with the annual report and the audit report must be retained for ten years. The retention period begins on expiry of the financial year. 2 The annual report and the audit report must be retained in a written form and signed. 3 The accounting records and the accounting vouchers may be retained on paper, electronically or in a comparable manner, provided that correspondence with the underlying business transactions and circumstances is guaranteed thereby and provided they can be made readable again at any time. 4 The Federal Council shall issue regulations on the accounting records that must be kept, the principles for keeping and retaining them and on the information carriers that may be used. BGE
144 III 514 (4A_400/2017) from 13. September 2018
Regeste: Art. 269, 269a und 270 Abs. 1 OR; Klage auf Anfechtung des Anfangsmietzinses; Vorrang des absoluten Kriteriums der orts- oder quartierüblichen Mietzinse für Altliegenschaften; Begriff der Altliegenschaft. Eine Liegenschaft ist alt, wenn ihre Erstellung oder ihr letzter Erwerb beim Anfang der Miete mindestens 30 Jahre zurückliegt (E. 3). |