Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 958f

E. Keep­ing and re­tain­ing ac­count­ing re­cords


1 The ac­count­ing re­cords and the ac­count­ing vouch­ers to­geth­er with the an­nu­al re­port and the audit re­port must be re­tained for ten years. The re­ten­tion peri­od be­gins on ex­piry of the fin­an­cial year.

2 The an­nu­al re­port and the audit re­port must be re­tained in a writ­ten form and signed.

3 The ac­count­ing re­cords and the ac­count­ing vouch­ers may be re­tained on pa­per, elec­tron­ic­ally or in a com­par­able man­ner, provided that cor­res­pond­ence with the un­der­ly­ing busi­ness trans­ac­tions and cir­cum­stances is guar­an­teed thereby and provided they can be made read­able again at any time.

4 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall is­sue reg­u­la­tions on the ac­count­ing re­cords that must be kept, the prin­ciples for keep­ing and re­tain­ing them and on the in­form­a­tion car­ri­ers that may be used.


144 III 514 (4A_400/2017) from 13. September 2018
Regeste: Art. 269, 269a und 270 Abs. 1 OR; Klage auf Anfechtung des Anfangsmietzinses; Vorrang des absoluten Kriteriums der orts- oder quartierüblichen Mietzinse für Altliegenschaften; Begriff der Altliegenschaft. Eine Liegenschaft ist alt, wenn ihre Erstellung oder ihr letzter Erwerb beim Anfang der Miete mindestens 30 Jahre zurückliegt (E. 3).


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