Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 964f

C. Form and con­tent of the re­port


1 The re­port on pay­ments made to state bod­ies shall only cov­er pay­ments re­lated to busi­ness op­er­a­tions in the min­er­al, pet­ro­leum or nat­ur­al gas ex­trac­tion in­dustry or to the har­vest­ing of tim­ber in primary forests.

2 It cov­ers any pay­ments of 100,000 francs or more in any fin­an­cial year made to state bod­ies, and in­cludes both in­di­vidu­al pay­ments and pay­ments made in two or more smal­ler sums that to­geth­er amount to 100,000 francs or more.

3 The re­port must in­dic­ate the amount of the pay­ments made in total and broken down by type of ser­vice to each state body and each pro­ject.

4 The re­port must be writ­ten in a na­tion­al lan­guage or in Eng­lish and be ap­proved by the highest man­age­ment or ad­min­is­trat­ive body.


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