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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 973g832

IV. Col­lat­er­al


1 Col­lat­er­al may be pos­ted even without the trans­fer of the ledger-based se­cur­ity, if:

the col­lat­er­al is vis­ible in the se­cur­it­ies ledger; and
it is en­sured that only the col­lat­er­al re­cip­i­ent can dis­pose of the ledger-based se­cur­ity in the event of de­fault.

2 In oth­er re­spects:

the spe­cial li­en on ledger-based se­cur­it­ies is gov­erned by the pro­vi­sions on spe­cial li­ens that ap­ply to cer­ti­fic­ated se­cur­it­ies (Arts. 895–898 of the CC833).
the pledging of ledger-based se­cur­it­ies is gov­erned by the pro­vi­sions on li­ens on debts and oth­er rights as ap­plic­able for cer­ti­fic­ated se­cur­it­ies (Arts. 899–906 of the CC).

832 In­ser­ted by No I 1 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2020 on the Ad­apt­a­tion of Fed­er­al Law to De­vel­op­ments in Dis­trib­uted Ledger Tech­no­logy, in force since 1 Feb. 2021 (AS 2021 33; BBl 2020 233).

833 SR 210