Federal Act on the Registered Partnership between Same-Sex Couples

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 32 Division of the common home

1If for good cause a per­son must re­main in the com­mon home, the court may trans­fer the rights and ob­lig­a­tions un­der the ten­ancy agree­ment to that per­son provided this is not in­equit­able for the oth­er.

2The pre­vi­ous ten­ant is jointly and sev­er­ally li­able for pay­ment of the rent up to the date on which the ten­ancy ends or may be ter­min­ated pur­su­ant to the ten­ancy agree­ment or by law, but for a max­im­um peri­od of two years. If an ac­tion is brought to re­cov­er rent due, he or she is en­titled to set off the amount paid against any main­ten­ance pay­ments in in­stal­ments equal to the amount of the monthly rent.

3If the home be­longs to one of the part­ners, the court may, on the con­di­tions un­der para­graph 1, grant the oth­er per­son a right of res­id­ence for a fixed term in re­turn for reas­on­able com­pens­a­tion or set-off against main­ten­ance pay­ments. Where new and com­pel­ling reas­ons so re­quire, the right of res­id­ence may be re­stric­ted or re­voked.

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