Federal Act
on Patents for Inventions
(Patents Act, PatA)1

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 25 June 1954 (Status as of 1 April 2019)

1Amended by No I of the FA of 3 Feb. 1995, in force since 1 Sept. 1995 (AS 1995 2879; BBl 1993 III 706).

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Art. 70

1 The court may au­thor­ise the suc­cess­ful party to pub­lish the judg­ment at the ex­pense of the op­pos­ing party; the court shall de­term­ine the form, ex­tent and tim­ing of the pub­lic­a­tion.

2 In crim­in­al cases (Art. 81–82), pub­lic­a­tion of the judg­ment is gov­erned by Art­icle 68 of the Swiss Crim­in­al Code166.167

166 SR 311.0

167 Amended by No I of the FA of 22 June 2007, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2008 (AS 2008 2551; BBl 2006 1).

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