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Patent Attorney Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 11 May 2011 (Status as of 1 January 2013)

Art. 29 Territorial requirements

1A min­im­um of twelve months of the prac­tic­al train­ing must be com­pleted on a full-time basis un­der a su­per­visor with a place of busi­ness in Switzer­land.

2Su­per­vised pro­fes­sion­al work as a pat­ent at­tor­ney in a for­eign coun­try will be re­cog­nised when it was com­pleted on a full-time basis for at least eight­een months and where, as a res­ult, the can­did­ate:

ac­quired the spe­cial­ised know­ledge in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 7 and ap­plied it in prac­tice;
be­came fa­mil­i­ar with the au­thor­it­ies com­pet­ent for pat­ent mat­ters in Switzer­land; and
be­came fa­mil­i­ar with the form­al­it­ies and time lim­its for the pro­ced­ure of the grant of a pat­ent in Switzer­land.