Federal Act
on the Licensing and Oversight
of Auditors
(Auditor Oversight Act, AOA)

of 16 December 2005 (status as at 1 January 2020)

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Art. 24 Criminal prosecution authorities

1 The Over­sight Au­thor­ity and crim­in­al pro­sec­u­tion au­thor­it­ies must provide each oth­er with all the in­form­a­tion and doc­u­ments they re­quire to en­force this Act.

2 The crim­in­al pro­sec­u­tion au­thor­ity may only use in­form­a­tion and doc­u­ments re­ceived from the Over­sight Au­thor­ity with­in the con­text of the crim­in­al pro­ceed­ings for which leg­al as­sist­ance has been gran­ted. It may not pass in­form­a­tion and doc­u­ments on to third parties.

3 If crim­in­al of­fences come to the at­ten­tion of the Over­sight Au­thor­ity dur­ing the per­form­ance of its of­fi­cial du­ties, it shall in­form the com­pet­ent crim­in­al pro­sec­u­tion au­thor­it­ies.

4 The crim­in­al pro­sec­u­tion au­thor­it­ies shall no­ti­fy the Over­sight Au­thor­ity of all pro­ceed­ings that are con­nec­ted with an audit­ing ser­vice provided by an audit firm un­der state over­sight; they shall pass on judg­ments and or­ders to dis­miss cases to the Over­sight Au­thor­ity. No­ti­fic­a­tion shall be provided, in par­tic­u­lar, of pro­ceed­ings re­lat­ing to the fol­low­ing pro­vi­sions:

Art­icles 146, 152, 153, 161, 166, 251, 253–255 and 321 of the Swiss Crim­in­al Code41;
Art­icle 47 of the Bank­ing Act of 8 Novem­ber 193442;
Art­icle 69 of the Fin­an­cial In­sti­tu­tions Act of 15 June 201844;
Art­icle 147 of the Fin­an­cial Mar­ket In­fra­struc­ture Act of 19 June 201546.

41 SR 311.0

42 SR 952.0

43 Amended by An­nex No II 3 of the Fin­an­cial In­sti­tu­tions Act of 15 June 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2018 5247, 2019 4631; BBl 2015 8901).

44 SR 954.1

45 In­ser­ted by An­nex No 2 of the Fin­an­cial Mar­ket In­fra­struc­ture Act of 19 June 2015, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (AS 2015 5339; BBl 2014 7483).

46 SR 958.1

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