Federal Act
on Radio and Television

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 24 March 2006 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 109c Private households with no means of reception 124

1 Mem­bers of a private house­hold in which no device suit­able for re­ceiv­ing ra­dio or tele­vi­sion pro­gramme ser­vices is avail­able or in op­er­a­tion shall be ex­emp­ted from the pay­ing the free for one fee peri­od.

2 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall reg­u­late which cat­egor­ies of device are deemed suit­able for re­ceiv­ing pro­gramme ser­vices.

3 OF­COM may enter the rooms or premises of a house­hold ex­emp­ted un­der para­graph 1 in or­der to veri­fy wheth­er the re­quire­ments for the ex­emp­tion are be­ing met.

4 Any per­son ex­emp­ted from the fee in terms of para­graph 1 who ob­tains or be­gins to op­er­ate a device suit­able for re­ceiv­ing pro­gramme ser­vices in the house­hold be­fore ex­piry of the fee peri­od must no­ti­fy the col­lec­tion agency of this in ad­vance.

5 Any per­son who be­longs to a house­hold ex­emp­ted from the fee in terms of para­graph 1 in which a device suit­able for re­ceiv­ing pro­gramme ser­vices in the house­hold is avail­able or in op­er­a­tion without no­tice there­of be­ing giv­en to the col­lec­tion agency in ad­vance in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 4 shall be li­able to a fine not ex­ceed­ing 5000 francs.

6 The col­lec­tion agency shall provide OF­COM with on­line ac­cess to the per­son­al data re­quired for pro­sec­ut­ing per­sons in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 5. The Fed­er­al Coun­cil may is­sue pro­vi­sions on the ex­tent of this data, ac­cess to the data, au­thor­isa­tion for pro­cessing, re­ten­tion and data se­cur­ity.

7 Ex­emp­tions from the fee ex­pire five years from the date from which the fee is charged in ac­cord­ance Art­icle 109bpara­graph 1.

124 In­ser­ted by No I of the Fed­er­al Act of 26 Sept. 2014, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).

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