Federal Act
on Radio and Television

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 24 March 2006 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 54 Frequencies for programme services 51

1 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall en­sure that suf­fi­cient fre­quen­cies are made avail­able to ful­fil the con­sti­tu­tion­al per­form­ance man­date of ra­dio and tele­vi­sion (Art. 93 para. 2 FC). In par­tic­u­lar, it shall en­sure that ac­cess-en­titled pro­gramme ser­vices can be trans­mit­ted us­ing wire­less ter­restri­al tech­no­logy in the in­ten­ded cov­er­age area and shall spe­cify the rel­ev­ant prin­ciples.

2 For fre­quen­cies or fre­quency blocks which are used in ac­cord­ance with the na­tion­al fre­quency al­loc­a­tion plan (Art. 25 TCA52) for the broad­cast­ing of ra­dio and tele­vi­sion pro­gramme ser­vices, it de­term­ines:

the broad­cast­ing area;
the num­ber of ra­dio or tele­vi­sion pro­gramme ser­vices which are to be broad­cast, or the trans­mis­sion ca­pa­cit­ies which are to be re­served for the broad­cast­ing of pro­gramme ser­vices.

3 In ac­cord­ance with the re­quire­ments spe­cified by the Fed­er­al Coun­cil, DE­TEC shall en­sure that suf­fi­cient broad­cast­ing of pro­gramme ser­vices can be as­sured to serve the pop­u­la­tion in ex­traordin­ary situ­ations.

51 Amended by No I of the Fed­er­al Act of 26 Sept. 2014, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).

52 SR 784.10

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