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Federal Act
on Radio and Television

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 24 March 2006 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Art. 68a Amount of the fee and allocation key

1 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall de­term­ine the amount of the fee for house­holds and for un­der­tak­ings. The de­cis­ive factors are the need:

to fin­ance SRG SSR pro­gramme ser­vices and oth­er journ­al­ist­ic ser­vices from SRG SSR that are re­quired to ful­fil the pro­gramme ser­vice man­date (Art. 25 para. 3 let. b);
to sup­port pro­gramme ser­vices from fee-shar­ing li­censees (Art. 38–42);
to sup­port the Found­a­tion for Audi­ence Re­search (Art. 81);
to sub­sid­ise the con­struc­tion of trans­mit­ter net­works in or­der to in­tro­duce new broad­cast­ing tech­no­lo­gies (Art. 58);
to fin­ance the pro­cessing of pro­grammes in li­censed re­gion­al tele­vi­sion pro­gramme ser­vices for per­sons hard of hear­ing (Art. 7 para. 4);
for the tasks of the col­lec­tion agency, the Fed­er­al Tax Ad­min­is­tra­tion (FTA), OF­COM and the can­tons and com­munes in con­nec­tion with col­lect­ing the fee and en­for­cing the ob­lig­a­tion to pay (Art. 69d–69g and 70–70d);
to fin­ance the main­ten­ance of pro­gramme ser­vices (Art. 21).

2 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall de­term­ine how the rev­en­ue from the fee is al­loc­ated for the uses in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 1. In do­ing so, it may de­term­ine the shares al­loc­ated for the ra­dio pro­gramme ser­vices, tele­vi­sion pro­gramme ser­vices and oth­er journ­al­ist­ic ser­vices from SRG SSR sep­ar­ately.

3 In de­cid­ing on the amount of the fee, the Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall take ac­count of the Price Su­per­visor’s re­com­mend­a­tion. Any di­ver­gence from the re­com­mend­a­tions must be pub­licly jus­ti­fied.