Art. 12 Sponsorship
1 The content and scheduling of sponsored programmes fall within the exclusive responsibility of the broadcaster. The latter shall ensure that the sponsor does not influence the programme in a manner which adversely affects editorial independence. 2 If programmes or sequences of programmes are sponsored in whole or in part, the sponsors must be named at the beginning or end of each programme. 3 Sponsored programmes may neither encourage the conclusion of transactions concerning goods or services of the sponsors or of third parties nor may they contain statements of an advertising nature concerning goods and services. 4 Programmes may not be financed by sponsors who primarily manufacture or sell products or offer services for which advertising is banned under Article 10. Companies active in the area of therapeutic products may sponsor programmes provided no products for which advertising is banned are named or shown and no advertising effect is created for these products in some other way. 5 News programmes and programmes on political current events, as well as programmes and sequences of programmes which are related to the exercise of political rights in the Confederation, cantons and communes may not be sponsored. |