Federal Act
on Radio and Television

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Art. 12 Sponsorship

1 The con­tent and schedul­ing of sponsored pro­grammes fall with­in the ex­clus­ive re­spons­ib­il­ity of the broad­caster. The lat­ter shall en­sure that the spon­sor does not in­flu­ence the pro­gramme in a man­ner which ad­versely af­fects ed­it­or­i­al in­de­pend­ence.

2 If pro­grammes or se­quences of pro­grammes are sponsored in whole or in part, the spon­sors must be named at the be­gin­ning or end of each pro­gramme.

3 Sponsored pro­grammes may neither en­cour­age the con­clu­sion of trans­ac­tions con­cern­ing goods or ser­vices of the spon­sors or of third parties nor may they con­tain state­ments of an ad­vert­ising nature con­cern­ing goods and ser­vices.

4 Pro­grammes may not be fin­anced by spon­sors who primar­ily man­u­fac­ture or sell products or of­fer ser­vices for which ad­vert­ising is banned un­der Art­icle 10. Com­pan­ies act­ive in the area of thera­peut­ic products may spon­sor pro­grammes provided no products for which ad­vert­ising is banned are named or shown and no ad­vert­ising ef­fect is cre­ated for these products in some oth­er way.

5 News pro­grammes and pro­grammes on polit­ic­al cur­rent events, as well as pro­grammes and se­quences of pro­grammes which are re­lated to the ex­er­cise of polit­ic­al rights in the Con­fed­er­a­tion, can­tons and com­munes may not be sponsored.

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