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Federal Act
on Radio and Television

Art. 67 Cantonal bans on antennas

1 The can­tons may in spe­cif­ic areas pro­hib­it the erec­tion of out­door an­ten­nas if:

this is ne­ces­sary for the pro­tec­tion of sig­ni­fic­ant loc­al and na­tion­al land­scapes, his­tor­ic­al sites or nat­ur­al and art monu­ments; and
re­cep­tion of the cus­tom­ary pro­gramme ser­vices in the re­gion re­mains guar­an­teed un­der ac­cept­able con­di­tions.

2 The erec­tion of an out­door an­tenna for the re­cep­tion of ad­di­tion­al pro­gramme ser­vices must be ap­proved by way of ex­cep­tion if the in­terest in re­ceiv­ing the pro­gramme ser­vices over­rides the in­terest in pro­tect­ing the loc­al and na­tion­al land­scape.