Federal Act
on Radio and Television

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Art. 72 Short reporting right with regard to public events

1 If the re­port­ing of a pub­lic event in Switzer­land is re­stric­ted by ex­clus­ive agree­ments, any in­ter­ested broad­caster has the right to short, up-to-date, me­dia-com­pat­ible re­port­ing of this event.

2 The or­gan­iser of a pub­lic event and the broad­caster be­ne­fit­ing from first ex­ploit­a­tion or ex­clus­ive rights are ob­liged to provide any in­ter­ested broad­caster with the pos­sib­il­ity of short re­port­ing.

3 They shall give in­ter­ested broad­casters:

ac­cess to the event, in so far as tech­nic­al and spa­tial cir­cum­stances per­mit; and
the de­sired parts of the trans­mis­sion sig­nal un­der ap­pro­pri­ate con­di­tions.

4 With ref­er­ence to Art­icle 90, OF­COM may or­der or­gan­isers of a pub­lic event and broad­casters with first or ex­clus­ive rights to take ap­pro­pri­ate meas­ures to en­sure ex­er­cise of the right of short re­port­ing.

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