Federal Act
on Radio and Television

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Art. 78 Function

1 The Found­a­tion for Audi­ence Re­search is re­spons­ible for col­lect­ing sci­entif­ic data on the use of ra­dio and tele­vi­sion in Switzer­land. In do­ing so, it must ap­ply sci­entif­ic meth­od­o­logy and is in­de­pend­ent of the SRG SSR, oth­er broad­casters and the ad­vert­ising in­dustry. It may trans­fer the activ­it­ies in whole or in part to sub­si­di­ary un­der­tak­ings con­trolled by it and bring in in­de­pend­ent ex­perts with re­gard to data col­lec­tion. The Found­a­tion is sub­ject to su­per­vi­sion by DE­TEC.

2 The Found­a­tion en­sures that Swiss broad­casters and sci­entif­ic re­search have suf­fi­cient data avail­able on the use of ra­dio and tele­vi­sion.Li­censed broad­casters in moun­tain and peri­pher­al re­gions mustbe able to ob­tain data with a qual­ity com­par­able to that provided to oth­er broad­casters.

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