Federal Act
on Radio and Television

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Art. 39 Coverage areas

1 After con­sulta­tion with the Fed­er­al Com­mu­nic­a­tions Com­mis­sion, the Fed­er­al Coun­cil de­term­ines the num­ber and ex­tent of the cov­er­age in which fee-shar­ing li­cences are awar­ded, as well as the tech­nic­al means of broad­cast­ing in the cov­er­age area con­cerned. When it does so, it dis­tin­guishes between cov­er­age areas for ra­dio and for tele­vi­sion.

2 Cov­er­age areas in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 38 para­graph 1 let­ter a must be defined so that:

they con­sti­tute a polit­ic­al and geo­graph­ic­al unit or are marked by es­pe­cially close cul­tur­al or eco­nom­ic con­tacts; and
their ex­ist­ing fund­ing op­tions to­geth­er with an ap­pro­pri­ate pro­por­tion of the rev­en­ue from ra­dio and tele­vi­sion fees al­low the broad­caster to ful­fil its per­form­ance man­date.

3 Ex­cep­tions may be made for re­gion­al pro­gramme ser­vices which are broad­cast in at least two na­tion­al lan­guages in a mul­ti­lin­gual area.

4 The num­ber and ex­tent of the cov­er­age areas are ex­amined by the Fed­er­al Coun­cil peri­od­ic­ally but after ten years at the latest. DE­TEC may make minor ad­just­ments to the ex­tent.

5 Be­fore de­fin­ing the cov­er­age areas and be­fore sig­ni­fic­ant changes, the can­tons and the li­censed broad­casters dir­ectly con­cerned shall be con­sul­ted.


121 II 81 () from 10. März 1995
Regeste: Art. 108 Abs. 2 RTVV, Art. 20 Abs. 2 SRG-Konzession; Aufschaltung eines Lokalradios auf den Telefonrundspruch. Gesetzes- und Systemkonformität von Art. 108 Abs. 2 RTVV (E. 3). Verhältnis von Art. 108 Abs. 2 RTVV zu Art. 20 Abs. 2 der SRG-Konzession vom 18. November 1992 (E. 4 u. 5).

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