Federal Act
on Radio and Television

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Art. 49 Amendment of the licence

1 DE­TEC may amend in­di­vidu­al pro­vi­sions of the li­cence be­fore its term ex­pires if the ac­tu­al or leg­al con­di­tions have changed and the amend­ment is ne­ces­sary to safe­guard im­port­ant pub­lic in­terests.

2 The li­censee is ap­pro­pri­ately com­pensated if the amend­ment sub­stan­tially re­stricts the rights gran­ted with the li­cence. It re­ceives no com­pens­a­tion if the amend­ment is based on im­port­ant na­tion­al in­terests or on a change in in­ter­na­tion­al ob­lig­a­tions.

3 At the re­quest of the broad­caster, DE­TEC may amend in­di­vidu­al con­di­tions if the amend­ment ap­plied for cor­res­ponds to the re­quire­ments for the award of the li­cence.

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