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Federal Act
on Radio and Television

Art. 56 Procedures for agreement and decision making

1 If the parties can­not agree on the broad­cast­ing ob­lig­a­tion and broad­cast­ing con­di­tions with­in three months, OF­COM ad­ju­dic­ates.

2 For the de­cision, it refers to com­par­able do­mest­ic or for­eign ref­er­ence val­ues in so far as the parties do not pro­duce evid­ence which jus­ti­fies de­vi­ation there­from.

3 For the peri­od from the sub­mis­sion of the ap­plic­a­tion to the leg­ally-en­force­able de­cision, it may or­der trans­mis­sion on an in­ter­im basis and fix the fin­an­cial con­di­tions.

4 The pro­ced­ure and the ob­lig­a­tion to provide in­form­a­tion are based, mu­tatis mutandis, on the pro­vi­sions of the TCA on the grant­ing of ac­cess by dom­in­ant pro­viders (Art. 11, 11a and 11b TCA57).58

57 SR 784.10

58 See also Art. 106 No 1 be­low.