Federal Act
on Radio and Television

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Art. 73 Free access to events of major importance to society

1 Re­port­ing of events of ma­jor im­port­ance to so­ci­ety must be made freely ac­cess­ible to a sub­stan­tial pro­por­tion of the gen­er­al pub­lic.

2 DE­TEC drafts a list of in­ter­na­tion­al and na­tion­al events of ma­jor im­port­ance to so­ci­ety and up­dates it reg­u­larly.

3 For broad­casters of Swiss tele­vi­sion pro­gramme ser­vices, the lists draf­ted by the mem­ber states of the European Con­ven­tion on Trans­fron­ti­er Tele­vi­sion of 5 May 198981 are bind­ing in the state con­cerned with re­gard to free ac­cess.

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