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Federal Act
on Radio and Television

Art. 74 Risks to diversity of opinion and programming

1 A risk to di­versity of opin­ion and pro­gram­ming ex­ists if:

a broad­caster ab­uses its dom­in­ant po­s­i­tion in the rel­ev­ant mar­ket;
a broad­caster or an­oth­er un­der­tak­ing act­ive in the ra­dio and tele­vi­sion mar­ket ab­uses its dom­in­ant po­s­i­tion in one or more me­dia-re­lated mar­kets.

2 DE­TEC shall con­sult the Com­pet­i­tion Com­mis­sion to as­sess the dom­in­ant po­s­i­tion as defined in Art­icle 4 para­graph 2 of the Car­tel Act of 6 Oc­to­ber 199583. The Com­pet­i­tion Com­mis­sion shall ap­ply the prin­ciples of com­pet­i­tion law and may pub­lish its com­ments.84

83 SR 251

84 Sen­tence amended by No I of the Fed­er­al Act of 26 Sept. 2014, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2016 (AS 2016 2131; BBl 2013 4975).