Art. 47 Decisions
1 Depending the importance of an item of business, it is dealt with by the Federal Council, a department, a group or an office. 2 The Federal Council sets out in an ordinance which administrative unit is responsible for decisions about individual items of business or in wider areas of business. 3 If the departments are unable to agree on responsibility in specific cases, the President of the Confederation shall decide. 4 The superordinate administrative units and the Federal Council may at any time take responsibility for deciding on a particular item of business. 5 Mandatory responsibilities in accordance with the legislation on the administration of federal justice are reserved. If the appeal to the Federal Council is not permitted, the latter may issue a directive to the competent federal administrative authority on how to decide in accordance with the law. 6 Federal Council business is delegated by law to the department competent for the matter concerned where rulings must be issued that are subject to an appeal to the Federal Administrative Court. The appeal against Federal Council rulings under Article 33 letters a and b of the Administrative Court Act of 17 June 200548 is reserved.49 49 Amended by Annex No 9 of the Administrative Court Act of 17 June 2005, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 21971069; BBl 2001 4202). |