Government and Administration Organisation Act

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Art. 57 62

1 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil and de­part­ments may con­sult or­gan­isa­tions and per­sons which are not part of the Fed­er­al Ad­min­is­tra­tion.


62 Re­pealed by No I of the FA of 20 March 2008 (Re­vi­sion of Ex­tra-Par­lia­ment­ary Com­mis­sions), with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2009 (AS 2008 5941; BBl 2007 6641).

63 Re­pealed by No I of the FA of 20 March 2008 (Re­vi­sion of Ex­tra-Par­lia­ment­ary Com­mis­sions), with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2009 (AS 2008 5941; BBl 2007 6641).

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