Government and Administration Organisation Act

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Art. 6 Government obligations

1 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil de­term­ines the aims of its gov­ern­ment policy and the means to achieve them.

2 It gives pri­or­ity to the ful­fil­ment of its ob­lig­a­tions of gov­ern­ment.

3 It takes all the meas­ures re­quired to en­sure the con­tinu­ation of gov­ern­ment activ­it­ies at all times.

4 It works to main­tain the unity of the state and the co­he­sion of the coun­try while pro­tect­ing the di­versity of the fed­er­al sys­tem. It helps the oth­er state in­sti­tu­tions to ful­fil the du­ties as­signed to them by the Con­sti­tu­tion and the law in a timely and ap­pro­pri­ate man­ner.

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