Art. 17 Planning
(Art. 6 para. 1, 25 para. 2 let. a, 32 let. a, 36 para. 1, 51, 52 GAOA) 1 The Federal Council shall decide on the priorities, aims and means required for planning. 2 The Federal Council's plans comprise:
3 The sectoral and financial plans shall be coordinated as far as possible in terms of timing and content. The individual areas of responsibility are grouped into policy fields. 4 The Federal Chancellery shall prepare the sectoral plans in accordance with paragraph 2 letter a. The Federal Finance Administration (FFA)71 shall prepare the budget and financial plan. In doing so, they work with the departments. 5 The plans of the Federal Council and the departments are binding for their subordinate administrative units. 69 [AS 1990 985; 1995 836para. II; 1996 3042; 1997 2022Annex para. 2, 2465Annex para. 11; 1998 1202Art. 7 para. 3, 2847Annex para. 5; 1999 3131; 2000 273Annex para. 7; 2001 707Art. 31 para. 2; 2002 2471;2003 535, 3543Annex para. II 7, 4265, 5191; 20041633para. I 6, 1985Annex para. II 3. AS 2006 1275Art. 64]. See now the Financial Budget Act of 7 Oct. 2005 (SR 611.0). 70 [AS 1990 996; 1993 820Annex No 4; 1995 3204; 1996 2243No I 42, 3043; 1999 1167Annex No 5; 2000 198Art. 32 No 1; 2001 267Art. 33 No 2; 2003 537; 2004 4471Art. 15. AS 20061295Art. 76]. See now the Financial Budget Ordinance of 5 April 2006 (SR 611.01). 71 Name in accordance with No I of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 July 2022 (AS 2022 179). This amendment has been made in the provisions specified in the AS. |