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Government and
Administration Organisation Ordinance

Art. 27n Approval in contentious cases

(Art. 61b para. 3 GAOA)

1 If the De­part­ment comes to the con­clu­sion that ap­prov­al may not be gran­ted be­cause the en­act­ment is con­trary to fed­er­al law or may only be gran­ted with re­ser­va­tions, it shall take an in­ter­im de­cision with­in two months of sub­mis­sion. It shall sub­mit the de­cision to the can­ton with a brief state­ment of the reas­ons and set a dead­line for the can­ton to com­ment.

2 If the De­part­ment con­cludes on the basis of the can­ton's opin­ion that there is no vi­ol­a­tion of fed­er­al law, it shall grant ap­prov­al with­in two months of re­ceipt of the can­ton's opin­ion.

3 Oth­er­wise, the De­part­ment shall sub­mit the item of busi­ness to the Fed­er­al Coun­cil with­in two months with a re­quest for ap­prov­al with re­ser­va­tion or for re­fus­al of ap­prov­al.