Government and
Administration Organisation Ordinance

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Art. 27q Informing third cantons

(Art. 62 para. 1 GAOA)

1 The Fed­er­al Chan­cellery shall in­form the non-par­ti­cip­at­ing can­tons (third can­tons) in the form of a no­tice in the Fed­er­al Gaz­ette of an agree­ment brought to its at­ten­tion with­in 14 days of re­ceipt of the agree­ment.

2 In the no­tice, it shall name the con­tract­ing can­tons, the title of the agree­ment con­cerned and the of­fice where the text of the agree­ment may be ob­tained or in­spec­ted.

3 Para­graphs 1 and 2 ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis to con­tracts con­cluded by the can­tons with for­eign coun­tries through the in­ter­me­di­ation of the Con­fed­er­a­tion.

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