Government and
Administration Organisation Ordinance

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Art. 8i Term limit

1 The term of of­fice of mem­bers of ex­tra-par­lia­ment­ary com­mis­sions shall be lim­ited to a total of twelve years; it shall end on the ex­piry of the cor­res­pond­ing cal­en­dar year.

2 In jus­ti­fied in­di­vidu­al cases, the Fed­er­al Coun­cil may ex­tend the term of of­fice to a max­im­um of 16 years.

3 The term lim­it does not ap­ply to fed­er­al em­ploy­ees whose mem­ber­ship is ne­ces­sary for the per­form­ance of their du­ties or is made man­dat­ory by an­oth­er en­act­ment.

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