Federal Act
on the Promotion of Sport and Exercise
(Sport Promotion Act, SpoPA)

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Art. 1 Objectives

1 In the in­terest of the phys­ic­al fit­ness and health of the pop­u­la­tion, hol­ist­ic edu­ca­tion and so­cial co­he­sion, this Act seeks to achieve the fol­low­ing:

to in­crease sports and ex­er­cise activ­it­ies of all age groups;
to in­crease the im­port­ance of sport and ex­er­cise in edu­ca­tion and train­ing;
to cre­ate suit­able con­di­tions for pro­mot­ing tal­en­ted young ath­letes and elite sport;
to en­cour­age be­ha­viour that es­tab­lishes the pos­it­ive val­ues of sport in so­ci­ety and fights un­desir­able side ef­fects;
to pre­vent ac­ci­dents in sport and ex­er­cise.

2 The Con­fed­er­a­tion achieves these ob­ject­ives through:

sup­port­ing and con­duct­ing pro­grammes and pro­jects;
meas­ures per­tain­ing in par­tic­u­lar to edu­ca­tion, high per­form­ance sport, fair­ness and safety in sport, and re­search.


145 IV 329 (6B_49/2019) from 2. August 2019
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