Federal Act
on the Promotion of Sport and Exercise
(Sport Promotion Act, SpoPA)

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Art. 18

1 The Con­fed­er­a­tion shall cham­pi­on the ob­serv­ance of fair­ness and safety in sport. It shall fight un­desir­able ac­com­pa­ny­ing phe­nom­ena.

2 It shall co­oper­ate with the can­tons and as­so­ci­ations. It shall make fin­an­cial sup­port to the um­brella or­gan­isa­tion of Swiss sports as­so­ci­ations or oth­er sports or­gan­isa­tions and spon­sors of sports events de­pend­ent on their ef­forts to as­sure fair and safe sport.

3 With­in the con­text of pro­grammes and pro­jects, it may in­tro­duce its own pre­vent­ive meas­ures.


145 IV 329 (6B_49/2019) from 2. August 2019
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