Art. 18
1 The Confederation shall champion the observance of fairness and safety in sport. It shall fight undesirable accompanying phenomena. 2 It shall cooperate with the cantons and associations. It shall make financial support to the umbrella organisation of Swiss sports associations or other sports organisations and sponsors of sports events dependent on their efforts to assure fair and safe sport. 3 Within the context of programmes and projects, it may introduce its own preventive measures. BGE
145 IV 329 (6B_49/2019) from 2. August 2019
Regeste: Art. 22 SpoFöG, Art. 1 StGB; Doping, Legalitätsprinzip. Der Begriff "Dopingzweck" wird vom Gesetzgeber und allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch hinreichend bestimmt und die Strafnorm in Art. 22 SpoFöG verletzt das Legalitätsprinzip nicht (E. 2.3.2). Art. 22 SpoFöG ist auch ausserhalb von Wettkämpfen anwendbar (E. 2.4.2). |