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Swiss Criminal Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 175

De­fam­a­tion of a de­ceased per­son or of a per­son miss­ing pre­sumed dead


1If the de­fam­a­tion, wheth­er wil­ful or not, is dir­ec­ted at a per­son who is de­ceased or who has been de­clared miss­ing pre­sumed dead, the re­l­at­ives of the de­ceased per­son or the per­son miss­ing pre­sumed dead are en­titled to ap­ply for pro­sec­u­tion.

2No of­fence is com­mit­ted if, at the time of the state­ment be­ing made, the de­ceased per­son has been dead or the miss­ing per­son miss­ing for more than 30 years.