Swiss Criminal Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 75a

Spe­cial se­cur­ity meas­ures


1The Com­mis­sion un­der Art­icle 62d para­graph 2 shall with a view to a trans­fer to an open pen­al in­sti­tu­tion and the au­thor­isa­tion of a re­lax­a­tion in the ex­e­cu­tion of the sen­tence as­sess the danger to the com­munity of the of­fend­er if:

he has com­mit­ted a felony in terms of Art­icle 64 para­graph 1; and
the ex­ec­ut­ive au­thor­ity can­not sat­is­fact­or­ily an­swer the ques­tion of wheth­er he is a danger to oth­er pris­on in­mates.

2Re­lax­a­tion of the ex­e­cu­tion of the sen­tence in­volves eas­ing the re­gime for the depriva­tion of liberty, in par­tic­u­lar by means of a trans­fer to an open in­sti­tu­tion, the grant­ing of re­lease on tem­por­ary li­cence, the au­thor­isa­tion of day re­lease em­ploy­ment or of ex­tern­al ac­com­mod­a­tion and the grant­ing of pa­role.

3Danger to the com­munity is as­sumed if there is a risk that the pris­on in­mate will ab­scond and com­mit a fur­ther of­fence that severely pre­ju­dices the phys­ic­al, psy­cho­lo­gic­al or sexu­al in­teg­rity of an­oth­er per­son.

1 Amended by No I of the FA of 24 March 2006 (Re­vi­sion of the Law on Sanc­tions and the Re­gister of Con­vic­tions), in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 3539 3544; BBl 2005 4689).


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