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Swiss Criminal Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 115

In­cit­ing and as­sist­ing sui­cide


Any per­son who for selfish motives in­cites or as­sists an­oth­er to com­mit or at­tempt to com­mit sui­cide is, if that oth­er per­son there­after com­mits or at­tempts to com­mit sui­cide, li­able to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing five years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty1 .

1 Term in ac­cord­ance with No II 1 para. 3 of the FA of 13 Dec. 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 3459 3535; BBl 1999 1979). This amend­ment has been taken in­to ac­count throughout the Second Book.