Swiss Criminal Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 260ter

Crim­in­al or­gan­isa­tion


1. Any per­son who par­ti­cip­ates in an or­gan­isa­tion, the struc­ture and per­son­al com­pos­i­tion of which is kept secret and which pur­sues the ob­ject­ive of com­mit­ting crimes of vi­ol­ence or se­cur­ing a fin­an­cial gain by crim­in­al means,

any per­son who sup­ports such an or­gan­isa­tion in its crim­in­al activ­it­ies,

is li­able to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing five years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.

2. The court has the dis­cre­tion to mit­ig­ate the pen­alty im­posed (Art. 48a)2 if the of­fend­er makes an ef­fort to foil the crim­in­al activ­it­ies of the or­gan­isa­tion.

3. The fore­go­ing pen­al­ties also ap­ply to any per­son who com­mits the of­fence out­side Switzer­land provided the or­gan­isa­tion car­ries out or in­tends to carry out its crim­in­al activ­it­ies wholly or partly in Switzer­land. Art­icle 3 para­graph 2 ap­plies.3

1 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 18 March 1994, in force since 1 Aug. 1994 (AS 1994 1614 1618; BBl 1993 III 277).
2 Word­ing of the first part-sen­tence in ac­cord­ance with No II 2 of the FA of 13 Dec. 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 3459 3535; BBl 1999 1979).
3 Word­ing of the sen­tence in ac­cord­ance with No II 2 of the FA of 13 Dec. 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 3459 3535; BBl 1999 1979).


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