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Swiss Criminal Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 21 December 1937 (Status as of 1 July 2021)

Art. 264g

d. Pro­hib­ited meth­ods of war­fare


1 The pen­alty is a cus­todi­al sen­tence of not less than three years for any per­son who, in con­nec­tion with an armed con­flict:

launches an at­tack al­though he knows or must as­sume that such an at­tack will cause loss of life or in­jury to ci­vil­ians or dam­age to ci­vil­ian ob­jects or wide­spread, long-term and severe dam­age to the nat­ur­al en­vir­on­ment which would be clearly ex­cess­ive in re­la­tion to the con­crete and dir­ect over­all mil­it­ary ad­vant­age an­ti­cip­ated;
uses a per­son pro­tec­ted by in­ter­na­tion­al hu­man­it­ari­an law as a hu­man shield in or­der to in­flu­ence mil­it­ary op­er­a­tions;
as a meth­od of war­fare, pil­lages or oth­er­wise un­law­fully ap­pro­pri­ates prop­erty or des­troys or seizes en­emy prop­erty in a way not im­per­at­ively de­man­ded by the ne­ces­sit­ies of war, de­prives ci­vil­ians of ob­jects in­dis­pens­able to their sur­viv­al or im­pedes re­lief sup­plies;
kills or wounds an en­emy com­batant treach­er­ously or after he or she has laid down his or her arms or no longer has a means of de­fence;
mu­til­ates a dead en­emy com­batant;
as the com­mand­er or­ders that no quarter be giv­en or threatens the en­emy that no quarter will be giv­en;
makes im­prop­er use of a flag of truce, of the flag or of the mil­it­ary in­signia and uni­form of the en­emy or of the United Na­tions, or the dis­tinct­ive em­blems un­der in­ter­na­tion­al hu­man­it­ari­an law;
as a mem­ber of an oc­cupy­ing power, trans­fers parts of its own ci­vil­ian pop­u­la­tion in­to the ter­rit­ory it is oc­cupy­ing or de­ports all or parts of the pop­u­la­tion of the oc­cu­pied ter­rit­ory with­in or out­side that ter­rit­ory.

2 In es­pe­cially ser­i­ous cases, and in par­tic­u­lar where the of­fence af­fects a num­ber of per­sons or the of­fend­er acts in a cruel man­ner, a cus­todi­al sen­tence of life may be im­posed.

3 In less ser­i­ous cases, a cus­todi­al sen­tence of not less than one year may be im­posed.