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Swiss Criminal Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 21 December 1937 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Art. 66

1. Good be­ha­viour bond


1 If there is the risk that a per­son will com­mit a felony or mis­de­mean­our that he has threatened to com­mit, or if a per­son con­victed of a felony or of a mis­de­mean­our in­dic­ates the clear in­ten­tion to re­peat the of­fence, the court may, at the re­quest of the per­son threatened, ob­tain a prom­ise from the of­fend­er that he will not com­mit the of­fence and re­quire him to de­pos­it ap­pro­pri­ate se­cur­ity there­for.

2 If he re­fuses to make the prom­ise, or fails to de­pos­it the se­cur­ity with­in the spe­cified peri­od, the court may re­quire him to make the prom­ise or de­pos­it the se­cur­ity by im­pos­ing a peri­od of de­ten­tion for se­cur­ity reas­ons. The peri­od of de­ten­tion for se­cur­ity reas­ons may not be for more than two months. It is ex­ecuted in the same way as a short cus­todi­al sen­tence (Art. 7965).

3 If the of­fend­er com­mits the felony or the mis­de­mean­our with­in two years of de­pos­it­ing the se­cur­ity, the se­cur­ity is for­feited to the State. If no of­fence is com­mit­ted, the se­cur­ity is re­turned.

65 This Art. has been re­pealed (AS 2016 1249; BBl 2012 4721).