Swiss Criminal Code

of 21 December 1937 (Status as of 1 June 2022)

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Art. 67e100

3. Dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion from driv­ing


If the of­fend­er has used a mo­tor vehicle in or­der to com­mit a felony or mis­de­mean­our and where there is a risk of re-of­fend­ing, the court, in ad­di­tion to im­pos­ing a sen­tence or meas­ure un­der Art­icles 59–64, may or­der that the of­fend­er for­feit his pro­vi­sion­al or full driv­ing li­cence for a peri­od of between one month and five years.

100 Ori­gin­ally: Art. 67b.


146 IV 145 (1B_103/2019) from 10. Januar 2020
Regeste: Art. 352 StPO, Art. 42 Abs. 4 StGB; Strafbefehlskompetenz der Staatsanwaltschaft. Die Staatsanwaltschaft darf mit Strafbefehl zusätzlich zu einer bedingten Geldstrafe von 180 Tagessätzen eine Verbindungsbusse aussprechen (E. 2).


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