Swiss Criminal Code

of 21 December 1937 (Status as of 22 November 2022)

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Art. 179ter205

Un­au­thor­ised re­cord­ing of con­ver­sa­tions


Any per­son who, as a par­ti­cipant in a private con­ver­sa­tion, re­cords the con­ver­sa­tion on a re­cord­ing device without the per­mis­sion of the oth­er par­ti­cipants,

any per­son who stores or makes use of a re­cord­ing, makes the re­cord­ing avail­able or dis­closes its con­tent to a third party when he knows or must as­sume that the re­cord­ing has been made as the res­ult of an of­fence un­der para­graph 1 above,

shall be li­able on com­plaint to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing one year or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.206

205 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 20 Dec. 1968, in force since 1 May 1969 (AS 1969 319322; BBl 1968 I 585).

206 Pen­al­ties re­vised by No II 1 para. 16 of the FA of 13 Dec. 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 34593535; BBl 1999 1979).


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