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Swiss Criminal Code

of 21 December 1937 (Status as of 22 November 2022)

Art. 281

Cor­rupt elect­or­al prac­tices


Any per­son who of­fers, prom­ises, or gives a voter or ar­ranges for a voter to be giv­en a gift or oth­er ad­vant­age in re­turn for vot­ing in a par­tic­u­lar way, or in re­turn for sign­ing or re­fus­ing to sign a re­quest for a ref­er­en­dum or an ini­ti­at­ive,

any per­son who of­fers, prom­ises, or gives a voter or ar­ranges for a voter to be giv­en a gift or oth­er ad­vant­age in re­turn for not par­ti­cip­at­ing in an elec­tion or vote, and

any per­son who as a voter se­cures the prom­ise of or ar­ranges for him­self to be giv­en such an ad­vant­age,

shall be li­able to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing three years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.