Art. 322septies
2. Bribery of foreign public officials Any person who offers, promises or gives a member of a judicial or other authority, a public official, an officially-appointed expert, translator or interpreter, an arbitrator, or a member of the armed forces who is acting for a foreign state or international organisation an undue advantage, or gives such an advantage to a third party, in order that the person carries out or fails to carry out an act in connection with his official activities which is contrary to his duties or dependent on his discretion, any person who as a member of a judicial or other authority, a public official, an officially-appointed expert, translator or interpreter, an arbitrator, or a member of the armed forces of a foreign state or of an international organisation demands, secures the promise of, or accepts an undue advantage for himself or for a third party in order that he carries out or fails to carry out an act in connection with his official activity which is contrary to his duty or dependent on his discretion394 shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding five years or to a monetary penalty. 394 Paragraph inserted by Art. 2 No 2 of the FedD of 7 Oct. 2005 on the Approval and Implementation of the Criminal Law Convention and the Additional Protocol of the Council of Europe on Corruption, in force since 1 July 2006 (AS 2006 23712374; BBl 20046983). |