Swiss Criminal Code

of 21 December 1937 (Status as of 22 November 2022)

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Art. 328

Re­pro­duc­tion of post­age stamps without in­tent to com­mit for­gery


1. Any per­son who re­pro­duces Swiss or for­eign post­age stamps with the in­ten­tion of mar­ket­ing the stamps as re­pro­duc­tions but without mak­ing the in­di­vidu­al stamps dis­tin­guish­able as re­pro­duc­tions from genu­ine stamps, or

any per­son who im­ports, of­fers for sale or mar­kets such re­pro­duc­tion stamps,

shall be li­able to a fine.

2. The re­pro­duc­tions are for­feited.


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