Art. 367
Processing of and access to data 1 The following authorities process personal data on convictions in the register in accordance with Article 366 paragraphs 1–3:509
2 The following authorities may have online access to the personal data on convictions in accordance with Article 366 paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 letters a and b:510:
2bis The following authorities may also have online access to the personal data on convictions in accordance with Article 366 paragraphs 3 letters c:
2ter Authorities in terms of paragraphs 2 letters c–l and 2septies may access judgements that include an expulsion order for as long as the person concerned is subject to that order. If the period under Article 369 is longer, that period applies as the duration of access.529 2quater In order to fulfil its duties under Article 365 paragraph 2 letters n–q, the federal office responsible for the register shall notify the Defence Group regularly of the following data newly recorded in VOSTRA relating to persons eligible for military service, members of the armed forces and persons required to do civil defence service:530
2quinquies Notice is given of the personal details of Swiss nationals over the age of 17 who are registered in accordance with paragraph 2quater. If the Armed Forces Joint Staff identifies a reported person as being subject to recruitment or as a member of the armed forces, the office responsible for the register also provides the data on the conviction and sentence.532 2sexies Notice and identification in accordance with paragraph 2quinquies may be effected via an electronic interface between the Armed Forces Personnel Information System (PISA) and the register.533 2septies For the purpose of carrying out background checks with a view to granting or withdrawing recognition as a "Youth and Sport" officer, the Federal Office of Sport may by written request inspect personal data relating to criminal convictions.534 3 The Federal Council may, if the number of requests for information so justifies, after consulting the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner535 and until formal legislation on the relevant legal principles comes into force, extend the rights of inspection under paragraph 2 to additional federal and cantonal law enforcement and administrative authorities. 4 Personal data in relation to pending criminal proceedings may only be processed by the authorities listed in paragraph 2 letters a–e, i, j 4bis ...537 4ter For the purpose of carrying out background checks with a view to granting or suspending recognition as a "Youth and Sport" officer, the Federal Office of Sport may by written request inspect personal data relating to criminal convictions.538 5 Each canton shall establish a coordination office for the processing of the data in the register. 6 The Federal Council regulates the details, and in particular:
509 Amended by Annex No 2 of the FA of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2010 6015, 2011 487; BBl 2009 5917). 510 Amended by Annex No 2 of the FA of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2010 6015, 2011 487; BBl 2009 5917). 511 Name in accordance with Annex No 2 of the FA of 18 March 2016, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2016 4277, 2017 2297; BBl 2014 6955). 512 Amended by No I 3 of the Ordinance of 3 Nov. 2004 on the Amendment of Statutory Provisions due to the Merger of the Federal Offices IMES and FOR, in force since 1 Jan. 2005 (AS 2004 4655). 513 The name of this administrative unit was amended by Art. 16 para. 3 of the Publications Ordinance of 17 Nov. 2004 (AS 2004 4937), in force since 1 Jan. 2015 514 Repealed by No I 3 of the Ordinance of 3 Nov. 2004 on the Amendment of Statutory Provisions due to the Merger of the Federal Offices IMES and FOR, with effect from 1 Jan. 2005 (AS 2004 4655). 515 Amended by Annex No II 5 of the Intelligence Service Act of 25 Sept. 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2017 (AS 2017 4095; BBl 2014 2105). 517 Inserted by No II of the FA of 21 March 2003, in force since 1 Jan. 2004 (AS 2003 48434854; BBl 2001 6127). 518 The name of this administrative unit was amended by Art. 20 para. 2 of the Publications Ordinance of 7 Oct. 2015 (SR 170.512.1), in force since 1 Jan. 2019. 519 Inserted by Annex No 1 of the FA of 3 Oct. 2008 on Military Information Systems, in force since 1 Jan. 2010 (AS 2009 6617; BBl 2008 3213). 520 Inserted by Annex No 3 of the FA of 23 Dec. 2011 on Extra-Procedural Witness Protection, in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2012 6715; BBl 2011 1). 522 Inserted by Annex No II 5 of the Intelligence Service Act of 25 Sept. 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2017 (AS 2017 4095; BBl 2014 2105). 523 Inserted by No I 6 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2020 on Police Measures to Combat Terrorism, in force since 1 Jan. 2022 (AS 2021 565, 672; BBl 2019 4751). 525 Name in accordance with Annex No 2 of the FA of 18 March 2016, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2016 4277, 2017 2297; BBl 2014 6955). 527 Amended by Annex No II 5 of the Intelligence Service Act of 25 Sept. 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2017 (AS 2017 4095; BBl 2014 2105). 528 Inserted by Annex No 1 of the FA of 3 Oct. 2008 on Military Information Systems (AS 2009 6617; BBl 2008 3213). Amended by Annex No 2 of the FA of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2010 6015, 2011 487; BBl 2009 5917). 529 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Implementation of Art. 121 para. 3–6 Federal Constitution on the expulsion of foreign nationals convicted of certain criminal offences), in force since 1 Oct. 2016 (AS 2016 2329; BBl 2013 5975). 530 Amended by Annex No 2 of the FA of 18 March 2016, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2016 4277, 2017 2297; BBl 2014 6955). 531 Originally: para. 2ter. Inserted by Annex No 1 of the FA of 3 Oct. 2008 on Military Information Systems (AS 2009 6617; BBl 2008 3213). Amended by Annex No 2 of the FA of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2010 6015, 2011 487; BBl 2009 5917). 532 Inserted by Annex No 2 of the FA of 19 March 2010 (AS 2010 6015, 2011 487; BBl 2009 5917). Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Implementation of Art. 121 para. 3–6 Federal Constitution on the expulsion of foreign nationals convicted of certain criminal offences), in force since 1 Oct. 2016 (AS 2016 2329; BBl 2013 5975). 533 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Implementation of Art. 121 para. 3–6 Federal Constitution on the expulsion of foreign nationals convicted of certain criminal offences), in force since 1 Oct. 2016 (AS 2016 2329; BBl 2013 5975). 534 Originally: para. 2sexies. Inserted by Art. 34 No 1 of the Sport Promotion Act of 17 June 2011, in force since 1 Oct. 2012 (AS 2012 3953; BBl 2009 8189). 535 The name of this administrative unit was amended by Art. 16 para. 3 of the Publications Ordinance of 17 Nov. 2004 (AS 2004 4937). 536 Amended by No I 6 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2020 on Police Measures to Combat Terrorism, in force since 1 Jan. 2022 (AS 2021 565, 672; BBl 2019 4751). 537 Inserted by No II 1 of the FA of 3 Oct. 2008 (AS 2009 1093; BBl 2008 2707). Repealed by No II 1 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2015, with effect from 1 July 2016 (AS 2016 1883; BBl 2014 6741). 538 Inserted by Art. 34 No 1 of the Sport Promotion Act of 17 June 2011, in force since 1 Oct. 2012 (AS 2012 3953; BBl 2009 8189). |