Swiss Criminal Code

of 21 December 1937 (Status as of 22 November 2022)

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Art. 380a

1 If a per­son sub­ject to lifelong in­car­cer­a­tion is re­leased on pa­role or dis­charged from in­car­cer­a­tion and com­mits a felony men­tioned in Art­icle 64 para­graph 1bis, the re­spons­ible body polit­ic shall be li­able for the res­ult­ant in­jury and loss.

2 In re­la­tion to rights of re­course against the of­fend­er and the time lim­its for fil­ing claims for dam­ages or sat­is­fac­tion, the pro­vi­sions of the CO577 on un­law­ful acts ap­ply.

3 In re­la­tion to rights of re­course against the mem­bers of the au­thor­ity is­su­ing the or­der, can­ton­al law or the Gov­ern­ment Li­ab­il­ity Act of 14 March 1958578 ap­plies.


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