Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 18

Mit­ig­at­ory act in a situ­ation of ne­ces­sity


1 Any per­son who car­ries out an act that car­ries a crim­in­al pen­alty in or­der to save him­self or an­oth­er from im­me­di­ate and not oth­er­wise avert­able danger to life or limb, free­dom, hon­our, prop­erty or oth­er in­terests of high value shall re­ceive a re­duced pen­alty if he could reas­on­ably have been ex­pec­ted to aban­don the en­dangered in­terest.

2 If the per­son con­cerned could not have been reas­on­ably ex­pec­ted to aban­don the en­dangered in­terest, he does not com­mit an of­fence.


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