Art. 102
Liability under the criminal law 1 If a felony or misdemeanour is committed in an undertaking in the exercise of commercial activities in accordance with the objects of the undertaking and if it is not possible to attribute this act to any specific natural person due to the inadequate organisation of the undertaking, then the felony or misdemeanour is attributed to the undertaking. In such cases, the undertaking shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 5 million francs. 2 If the offence committed falls under Articles 260ter, 260quinquies, 305bis, 322ter, 322quinquies, 322septies paragraph 1 or 322octies, the undertaking is penalised irrespective of the criminal liability of any natural persons, provided the undertaking has failed to take all the reasonable organisational measures that are required in order to prevent such an offence.146 3 The court assesses the fine in particular in accordance with the seriousness of the offence, the seriousness of the organisational inadequacies and of the loss or damage caused, and based on the economic ability of the undertaking to pay the fine. 4 Undertakings within the meaning of this title are:
146 Amended by No I of the FA of 25 Sept. 2015 (Criminal Law on Corruption), in force since 1 July 2016 (AS 2016 1287; BBl 2014 3591). 147 Terminological footnote relevant to German only. BGE
149 II 74 (2C_872/2021) from 2. August 2022
Regeste: Art. 4 des Protokolls Nr. 7 zur EMRK; Art. 14 Abs. 7 UNO-Pakt II; Art. 177 und Art. 181 Abs. 3 DBG; Steuerhinterziehung, persönliche Strafbarkeit von Organen der juristischen Person, Prinzip ne bis in idem. Keine Verletzung des Prinzips ne bis in idem bei strafrechtlichen Sanktionen gegen die juristische Person als Haupttäterin einer vollendeten Steuerhinterziehung und, gleichzeitig, das Organ dieser juristischen Person als Teilnehmer derselben Straftat (E. 8). |