Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 137

1. Of­fences against prop­erty

Un­law­ful ap­pro­pri­ation


1. Any per­son who for his own or for an­oth­er's un­law­ful gain ap­pro­pri­ates move­able prop­erty which be­longs to an­oth­er shall be li­able, un­less the spe­cial re­quire­ments of Art­icles 138-140 ap­ply, to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing three years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.

2. If the of­fend­er has found the prop­erty or if the prop­erty has in­ad­vert­ently come in­to his pos­ses­sion,

if he does not act for fin­an­cial gain or

if he acts only to the det­ri­ment of a re­l­at­ive or fam­ily mem­ber,

the of­fence shall only be pro­sec­uted on com­plaint.


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