Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 158

Crim­in­al mis­man­age­ment


1. Any per­son who by law, an of­fi­cial or­der, a leg­al trans­ac­tion or au­thor­isa­tion gran­ted to him, has been en­trus­ted with the man­age­ment of the prop­erty of an­oth­er or the su­per­vi­sion of such man­age­ment, and in the course of and in breach of his du­ties causes or per­mits that oth­er per­son to sus­tain fin­an­cial loss shall be li­able to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing three years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.

Any per­son who acts in the same man­ner in his ca­pa­city as the man­ager of a busi­ness but without spe­cif­ic in­struc­tions shall be li­able to the same pen­alty.

If the of­fend­er acts with a view to se­cur­ing an un­law­ful fin­an­cial gain for him­self or an­oth­er, a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing five years or to mon­et­ary pen­alty shall be im­posed.218

2. Any per­son who, with a view to se­cur­ing an un­law­ful gain for him­self or an­oth­er, ab­uses the au­thor­ity gran­ted to him by stat­ute, an of­fi­cial or­der or a leg­al trans­ac­tion to act on be­half of an­oth­er and as a res­ult causes that oth­er per­son to sus­tain fin­an­cial loss shall be li­able to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing five years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.

3. Crim­in­al mis­man­age­ment to the det­ri­ment of a re­l­at­ive or fam­ily mem­ber is pro­sec­uted only on com­plaint.

218 Third para. amended by No I 1 of the FA of 17 Dec. 2021 on the Har­mon­isa­tion of Sen­ten­cing Policy, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2023 (AS 2023 259; BBl 2018 2827).


148 IV 170 (6B_562/2021) from 7. April 2022
Regeste: a Art. 115 Abs. 1 StPO; Begriff des Geschädigten. Geschädigtenstellung bei Vermögensdelikten (E. 3.3.1 und 3.3.2), Konkursdelikten (E. 3.4.1) und Urkundendelikten (E. 3.5.1; je Bestätigung der Rechtsprechung).

148 IV 432 (6B_1310/2021) from 15. August 2022
Regeste: Art. 115 Abs. 1, Art. 122 Abs. 1, Art. 126 Abs. 1 lit. b und Abs. 2 lit. d StPO; adhäsionsweise erhobene Zivilklage im Strafverfahren; Zivilforderungen bei Freispruch der beschuldigten Person; vertragliche Ansprüche. Zivilansprüche, die auf einem Vertrag beruhen, können nicht Gegenstand einer adhäsionsweise erhobenen Zivilklage im Strafverfahren sein (E. 3.1.2-3.3).


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