Swiss Criminal Code

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Art. 165



1. Any debt­or who in a man­ner oth­er than that in Art­icle 164 through mis­man­age­ment, in par­tic­u­lar through in­ad­equate cap­it­al pro­vi­sion, ex­cess­ive ex­pendit­ure, haz­ard­ous spec­u­la­tion, the neg­li­gent grant­ing or use of cred­it, the squan­der­ing of as­sets or gross neg­li­gence in the ex­er­cise of his pro­fes­sion or the man­age­ment of his as­sets,

causes or ag­grav­ates his ex­cess­ive in­debted­ness, causes his in­solv­ency or, in the know­ledge that he is un­able to pay, pre­ju­dices his fin­an­cial situ­ation,

shall be li­able, if bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings are com­menced against him or a cer­ti­fic­ate of un­sat­is­fied claims is is­sued in his re­spect, to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing five years or to a mon­et­ary pen­alty.

1bis. If the debt­or re­ceives of­fi­cial sup­port to avert im­min­ent over-in­debted­ness or in­solv­ency, he shall be li­able to the same pen­alty.222

2. Any debt­or whose as­sets have been seized is pro­sec­uted solely on the com­plaint of a cred­it­or who has ob­tained a cer­ti­fic­ate of un­sat­is­fied claims against him.

The com­plaint must be filed with­in three months of re­ceipt of the cer­ti­fic­ate of un­sat­is­fied claims.

Any cred­it­or who has in­duced a debt­or to in­cur ir­re­spons­ible debts, un­reas­on­able ex­pendit­ure or to enter in­to haz­ard­ously spec­u­lat­ive trans­ac­tions, or who has ex­ploited the debt­or us­uri­ously, is barred from fil­ing a com­plaint.

222 In­ser­ted by No I 1 of the FA of 17 Dec. 2021 on the Har­mon­isa­tion of Sen­ten­cing Policy, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2023 (AS 2023 259; BBl 2018 2827).


148 IV 170 (6B_562/2021) from 7. April 2022
Regeste: a Art. 115 Abs. 1 StPO; Begriff des Geschädigten. Geschädigtenstellung bei Vermögensdelikten (E. 3.3.1 und 3.3.2), Konkursdelikten (E. 3.4.1) und Urkundendelikten (E. 3.5.1; je Bestätigung der Rechtsprechung).

149 IV 240 (6B_782/2022) from 17. April 2023
Regeste: Verletzung der Fürsorge- oder Erziehungspflicht (Art. 219 StGB); Verfolgungsverjährung, tatbestandliche Handlungseinheit (Art. 98 lit. b StGB). Der in Art. 219 StGB definierte Straftatbestand setzt in der Regel voraus, dass der Täter wiederholt handelt oder seine Fürsorge- oder Erziehungspflicht nachhaltig verletzt, so dass die körperliche oder psychische Entwicklung der minderjährigen Person gefährdet ist (E. 2.2). Die verschiedenen Misshandlungen, die nach Art. 219 StGB strafbar sind, bilden eine tatbestandliche Handlungseinheit. Die Verjährung beginnt damit an dem Tag zu laufen, an dem die letzte Tätigkeit begangen wurde (Art. 98 lit. b StGB; E. 3).


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