Art. 167
Undue preference to creditors Any debtor who, in the knowledge of his inability to pay and with a view to showing preference to some of his creditors to the prejudice of others, acts in order to achieve such an aim, and in particular pays debts that are not due for payment, pays due debts in a way that differs from the normal methods, or provides security for a debt from his own means when he is not obliged to do so, shall be liable, if bankruptcy proceedings are commenced against him or a certificate of unsatisfied claims has been issued in his respect, to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty. BGE
148 IV 170 (6B_562/2021) from 7. April 2022
Regeste: a Art. 115 Abs. 1 StPO; Begriff des Geschädigten. Geschädigtenstellung bei Vermögensdelikten (E. 3.3.1 und 3.3.2), Konkursdelikten (E. 3.4.1) und Urkundendelikten (E. 3.5.1; je Bestätigung der Rechtsprechung). |